Saturday, 10 November 2012

Bukit(Hill) Tunku, Kuala Lumpur

A spooky place to be. Bukit (Hill) Tunku is actually one of the more elite Residential areas in Kuala Lumpur. This place has many big and tall trees, and has this eerie feeling about it even at broad daylight and of course at night. It is said that a few years ago two youth embarked on a high speed motorcycle chase around the curvy roads of the area. One of the youth crashed at a dark stretch of the road, which is actually a very sharp corner. There have been claims about sightings of a young man riding a motorcycle at high speed, who mysteriously vanished in the dark.

Thursday, 8 November 2012

Genting Highland, Kuala Lumpur

A famous hill-top resort and casino. Many people incurred gambling debts and committed suicide here. Some visitors leaving the hotel lobby reported seeing a man in red jump from the rooftop, just to disappear before he hits the ground. Certain rooms are not available for rent no matter how full the hotel was - those who have seen the inside reported that it was filled with old Chinese ghost wards. They would subsequently fall sick for days afterwards. 

Ria Apartment, Pahang

People saw shadows moving in their rooms. There are lots of noise with people walking, women talking, children playing, water flow in the bathroom in the middle if night and also door knocking sounds but eventually no one was there. 

The railway to Genting Highland.

Breeze Through The Window

By Nicole

Date: 2007-06-08
Country: Malaysia 

Years and years back, my family and I went up to Genting highland for few days vacation - our Indonesian maid had told us many times that she has the tendency to encounter spiritual experience, and she had many times growing up!

Sunday, 4 November 2012

SMK Tanjung Lumpur, Kuatan

Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan (SMK – Middle/Secondary School) Tanjung Lumpur is located in the city of Kuantan, state of Pahang, Malaysia. It was established in 1983 and has 820 students.
Since some time in May 2008, the school has experienced what is probably unprecedented in the history of the world’s educational institutions: almost daily supernatural / paranormal manifestations right in the middle of class, and right in front of journalists covering it.
So far 35 students have been affected.

A dozens of bomohs, spiritual and faith healers have visited the school. Some came from another state, while some came all the way from Indonesia.
They all said the same thing: there are many ghosts, spirits, jin and other supernatural beings in the school.
Some of the bomoh said they have communicated with the spirits who caused the bouts of hysteria and claimed that the spirits said:
(i) the cause of the problem is that the construction of the school’s new building had encroached on their area
(ii) they can leave the school, but they have several demands including a special feast.

What did the affected students see?
(i) most claimed that they saw a being with long hair
(ii) others claimed they were possessed by an old woman. That was apparently the reason why they acted and sounded like one.

Eminent local religious figure, state mufti Datuk Abdul Rahman Osman does not agree on “striking a deal” with the beings.
Two “paranormals” from Indonesia said:
Only one or two of the students were possessed by the spirits while the rest were responding due to a “herd instinct”. Most of them become hysterical due to other factors, including examination pressure and family problems. Some are reacting to the harsh treatment meted by bomohs during exorcism.
But some victim’s parents disagreed, like Mariah Mat Zain who said:
I’ve seen my daughter [form 2 student] turning her head more than 180 degrees. She could also overpower five men when possessed. She had been transferred to another school but she still suffers from bouts of hysteria. Don’t tell me she is faking it. She’s too young to do it.
She had sent her daughter to see a doctor, as had some other parents, but doctors gave the students clean bills of health, and they (the doctors) said it was a difficult phenomenon to explain, especially if it involved a Muslim. Usually, the only advice given would be to seek help from an ustaz [religious teacher] and pray.

The “attacks” would only happen between 10am – 12pm every day.

Between 5 and 21 students would get affected.
Most said they saw an extremely old woman, perhaps 200 years old who would climb up a fellow student’s back, causing that person to stoop and walk like, well, a very old granny.

However, some reported seeing a tall, big creature with monstrous face and demeanour, who would initally scream, then whisper into someone’s left ear, which would cause that someone to be hysterical and delirious, saying that they’re seeing hundreds of dark-complexioned “aliens” the size of kittens crawling all over their bodies, causing them to struggle in fear.

a journalist and a cameraman to visit the school, and they saw for themselves how two students, both girls, became hysterical at the school gates about 1.10pm. It happened when one of them suddenly ran in order to get out of the school compound. When the security guard attempted to stop her, the girl screamed at him, then suddenly her feet became wobbly, then she fell unconscious for about a minute. When she came to, she was delirious, then fell to the ground. This repeated itself 3 times before teachers carried her to a classroom.